Sunday, August 14, 2005

There are different people who holds varying significance in your lives. There are those who you merely gaze at with a blur past your eyes. They do not invoke inspirations nor aspirations. You do not hold them in high esteem. Rather you pity them, you pity that they do not hold on to dreams and just whiling away their youth in the spiral of destruction and dismay. They have nothing in their lives to account and review. In a word "aimless".

However, there are those who cease not to spur in you a sense of dissatisfaction with the current and the unpacifiable need to grow. You would never carry a conversation with them without being struck with such profound wisdom and foresight. Somehow you feel addicted to them. Addicted to talk to them to expose the greatness of their minds. You seek to exploit their thoughts and bathe in the newly found enlightenment... wow.

Such exilaration.

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