I took around 1000 photos so the ones i have uploaded has been filtered through quite a little. Back in Melbourne and i have to deal with bills, my university work which is behind, and alot of other mundane but important things that i really have no heart to face. So i am more or less home alone for the next two weeks and it is strange. To be around people all the time during my time away and the sudden silence. Do not like it.
To tell you the truth, China did not make an impression for me. It has a long long way to go to beautify and modernise itself for the Olympics in 2008. The people were great however. My mind is a little dead so i will not write much. Just some photos to share.

Coffee Bean at Sungai Wang
On the way to Zouk Kuala Lumpur.

Last night in KL with Rina and Pei Lin at Luna Bar

Sean, my only friend in Beijing. Showed me around the night life.

Tiananmen Square.

The Forbidden City

The marble disc i am standing on has been stood on by 24 emperors of the past. It was the centre of the ceremonies held in the Temple of Heaven complex.

Little Potala Palace replica. Just a big and grandiose as the one in Tibet.

A sight fast disappearing in Beijing.

Frozen in ChengDe (third city visited).

The Ming Tombs.

Preparing to scale the Great Wall.

For those who frequent the bitchy BryanBoy's website you will recall this photo of him in his Beijing post.
The highest point in Badaling area of Great Wall. Hardly anyone made it up there so i managed to take a photo without anyone in the background.

So lucky they have another 2 years to beautify the city before they present it to the world.
Love the beautiful pictures you took :)
Sounds like you did a similar tour to us!!
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