Monday, April 16, 2007

The death of a relationship becomes a catalyst for one to resume the cycle of singlehood armed with the determination to conquer their past and to relinquish their memories, blotting it out with rebounds and flings only to find an inconsumable emptiness.

There came to existence a checklist. A mental note of all the criterions to be satisfied. And with each encounter came a revision. It was extensive. An esoteric mental demand that few could identify or ever come to terms with. It was the tenacity of the resolve and the revulsion of any forms of compromise that became the ultimate frustration and failure to launch.

Tenacity and determination? Criterions and standards?

You see, all these dissipated with the frustration yesterday. He was disarmed as that mental checklist he has so ardently defended vapourised. For in one blink, it no longer mattered. It no longer held any meaning or significance. It was annulled, obsolete.

He is complete.

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